March Prompts

March 2025 Prompt: Familiars

3/8/25 - 5/8/25 11:59pm ET

I am not entirely sure how Sktyri came to arrive here. It must have been in the Ancient Ages that we met... they had approached me during my wanderings, clicking at me in what seemed to be curiosity. I was unsure of their intelligence, but when I told them that I was on the way towards a town in which many individuals approached their final rest, they seemed to understand me. They remained at my side as I guided those souls to their final repose, even offering an affectionate nudge when I remained silent for a long time afterwards. 

We departed after that, but somehow, they continued to find me. They are a delightful little thing, truly... energetic, curious, and affectionate. As we grew to understand each other better, I learned their name, and their own origin. Though my duty is a weight I bear by my own will, their company eases its heaviness, sometimes. 

Repose's thoughts on Sktyri, an Osteon who came from another dimension. 

Sometimes, companions can come from unlikely places. Perhaps an Edeia met an animal that came to accompany them for a long time, perhaps even being affected by their magic in some way. Or, they use their magic to construct an entity that is not quite independent, yet distinct enough to keep them company, in a way. Or, they might receive such an entity from another Edeia. 

For the prompt, a "familiar" can refer to any of the following: 

A "familiar" in this context is typically not originally as sapient as a human, or does not communicate or experience cognition in a way that could make them social equals with humans or Edeia. For instance, they might be incredibly intelligent but simply not capable of linguistic communication. These "familiars" can also gain greater sapience, cognition, and communication abilities through other influences, so long as they are not originally in that state. 

These entities can be considered "familiars" of Edeia if they have some kind of strong bond with an Edeia. For instance, they might accompany the Edeia for long periods of time, or even their entire lifetime. They might consistently seek out the Edeia in companionship even though much of their time is spent apart. They might reside in the Abstraction of an Edeia. 

Design Prompt:
Design one of the following:

Art Prompt:
Depict an Edeia with a familiar of theirs. 

Writing Prompt:
Create writing that depicts the relationship of an Edeia and a familiar of theirs. Some guiding questions: 

March 2024 Prompt: Return

3/3/24 - 4/3/24 11:59pm ET

"Order! Order, my heart is beating so fast!" 

"... Don't run in the halls, Data. You'll fall." 

"Oh, don't worry so much. They'll be alright. At our cores, it seems we're still Edeia. Let them have their fun."


— A conversation between Data, Order, and Pacific while they had all been involuntarily transformed into their human previous forms.  

We were all other things, in a previous life. We did not simply come into being as we are. Then, what brought us here? How has who we were shaped who we are? 

One day, two curious entities decided to fuse, and a particular phenomenon began sweeping across the world of Ideation - seemingly at random, Edeia have been transformed back into their previous forms. Does this occur to your Edeia? How do they handle it? How long does it last? 

Some notes about the mechanics of this phenomenon: 

This prompt follows the Standard Requirements. 

Additional note: art and writing entries completed this month may be featured in a comic at a later time, much like with the Memory prompt and Fragments

Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia's previous form.

Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting your Edeia experiencing the phenomenon of returning to their previous form. This could be the moment of transformation, their experiences while transformed, the moment of transforming back, etc. 

Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia experiencing the phenomenon of returning to their previous form, and/or observing and interacting with others who experience the phenomenon. You can write one or multiple scenes, and could touch on anything before, during, and after being stuck in their previous form. After seeing others transform, do they dread the same happening to them? Are they excited? Or did it hit them unexpectedly? During the transformation, do they think of it as something novel and fun, an inconvenience, or a dreadful return to an existence they'd left behind? Do they try to understand the cause of the phenomenon or just let the matter come and go? 

March 2023 Prompt: Mentor

3/5/23 - 4/6/23 11:59pm ET

Memoir mentoring Ki and Ro.

While some might say Edeia are independent in nature, many benefited from the guidance of another - be it another Edeia or someone or something else - in finding their potential. Many, too, offer guidance for others; some might specifically seek out ideated individuals to help them on the path to Actualization. How does mentorship fit in life of your Edeia? 

Design Prompt:
Design a character that has been mentored by an Edeia on a path towards Actualization. This can be an ideated individual (that has not yet Actualized) or an existing Edeia's previous form.

Art Prompt:
Create artwork illustrating a mentorship relationship involving at least one Edeia. Perhaps the mentor is teaching the mentee something; perhaps the mentee is trying something out (their abilities, or perhaps something mundane); perhaps the mentee is confiding something to the mentor.  

Writing Prompt:
Write a scene illustrating a mentorship relationship involving at least one Edeia. Perhaps the mentor is teaching the mentee something; perhaps the mentee is trying something out (their abilities, or perhaps something mundane); perhaps the mentee is confiding something to the mentor.  

March 2022 Prompt: Shapeshifters

3/1/22 - 3/31/22 11:59pm ET

Malice embracing Val

Edeia are capable of taking many forms. Does yours?

Design Prompt:
Design a hybrid/humanoid form or an alternate form.

Also, they must be "decent," i.e. wearing clothes or something if they have parts to cover. If parts do not show normally and/or they are as decent as any other of their species would be, that is fine. 

Art Prompt:
Create artwork of your Edeia shapeshifting from one form to another. Minimum requirements:

Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia making use of their shapeshifting abilities for a particular purpose. Perhaps they take a human disguise to blend in in the age of secrecy, or they become enraged and take on a more terrifying form.