This changelog keeps record of changes made to the site, with the most recent at the top. This does not include updates to the prompt or the Edeia/Fusion/Fission of the Month.
Added Backstory Guide.
Updated acquisition forms with new permission format.
Added repeat idea policy in ToS.
Added Occasions page.
Added EACC to Organizations.
Added Writing Tips.
Moved Conceptualization to its own page and updated content.
Updated Registry lore and added HTML template.
Added flexible semi-customs and updated custom form.
Minor changes:
Some examples of divisions have been added to the supergovernment lore.
Updated magic lore to reflect that people can receive magic abilities from Edeia.
New additions:
A section on universal inertia has been added.
A section on magical pathogens and afflictions has been added.
A page on some optional advanced lore, the Classification System for Magical Afflictions (CSMA), has been added.
Some updates for development guides!
The Origins Guide now has a flowchart.
We now have a guide for getting started with developing ideated characters, including the origins flowchart, a context flowchart, and various recommendations. Though it's aimed towards new members of Ideation, it might be helpful for development of Edeia backstories in general.
FTOs can now submit ideated characters to prompts, with some limitations.
Adjusted + added lore for Fission Ambideia.
Added a link to Auspice's Abstraction gallery.
Added Organizations.
Added █████ as an NPC.
Added interaction guidelines for Life and Death.
Added a bit more lore for unbound souls.
Added section on Ideated Individuals in Edeiology.
Added Newcomers Guide.
Added Origin and Previous Form fields to the Conceptualization form.
Updated details on Continuities in Origins Guide and Setting.
Added prompt passes for submitting gift prompt entries.
Added a permahold option in the Figment Store.
Increased the limit for special traits to two of each trait for each acquisition type - one for any species currency or partial non-monetary payment, and one for full monetary payment.
Added Derivative Designs to Terms of Service.
Added Prompt Passes.
Added lore about the process of forming the Fission trait, and further notes on multiple personalities.
Added lore about continuities.
Updated Edeia alteration policy.
Updates to the description for Edeia/Fusion/Fission of the Month. Old entries can now be updated by new owners.
Added the Origins Guide.
Moved past Edeia of the Month features onto one page.
Added an option in FTO prompts to do an extra NPC prompt in order to upgrade the MYO to a notion slot.
Added more lore about souls and reincarnation.
Adjusted requirements for NPC Prompts.
Added a Reincarnation of the Soulbound section.
Updates to NPC Prompts, added Inspiration system.
Updated dissociation policy.
Removed old unofficial Edeia policy. Unofficial Edeia can no longer be used for monthly prompts.
Renamed Prompts page to Monthly Prompts.
Added FTO Prompts to replace the old unofficial Edeia policy.
Added NPC Prompts page, currently only used for FTO prompts but open to suggestions for other uses.
Updated MYO artist instructions: After the MYO artist creates the profile, they must wait for Auspice to accept creator credits (and check the profile) before transferring to the owner.
Added Development Prompts, beta/initial release. Examples and finalization pending.
New special trait: Ambideia.
Rearranged some lore for Special Traits.
Lowered server level requirements for Special Trait Edeia and added Ambideia requirements: Level 3 for Fission/Ambideia, Level 5 for Soultwined/Tuplet. Added more lenient requirements for premade Special Trait Edeia.
Added permission to inquire for special trait customs and semi-customs at any time.
Added section on other Ideas being used in Idea Ability Guidelines.
Added some clarifications to MYO info, as well as options for MYO artist customs and the possibility of direct approval.
Added Idea Ability Guidelines.
Updated conceptualization info - new peer review system.
New MYO info finalized.
Voiding fee removed, reinstating fee added.
Finalized price changes. Returned 10 USD discount to Figment Store, added Fission Trait option.
Updated MYO info, but still WIP.
Adjusted prices for the Figment Store, Notion Slots, and Customs (may not be final).
Adjusted info phrasing and added an Additional Artwork option for Notion Slots.
Moved NPCs to a new, separate page. Added interaction guidelines for Concept and Possibility. Added Firmament.
Added an optional form for ML updates
Increased the price of figment speedpaints to 4 figments, and added an option for artwork commissions with figments at any price
Updated Idea Guidelines
Added interaction guidelines for Consciousness
Updated interaction guidelines for Ritual
Updated the Orderly to be an official thing
Added interaction guidelines for Sanctuary, Data, and Ideation
Added info on Alternate Timelines in the ToS
Added info on the site for payment plans.
Added info about unofficial Edeia in ToS.
Added another buffer condition for conceptualization submissions: "the conceptualization you are submitting or have submitted is/was a shared conceptualization for a fusion. That is, you can enter the buffer once (for, potentially, two conceptualization artworks in the same month) if at least one of the submissions was shared."
Added more options to custom design in Figment Store.
Added clarification for alt forms.
Added metaphysical manipulation as a default ability.
Conceptualization art now has limited slots. Details and status can be found here.
Updated notion slot info with more base specifications.
Updated redesign info to clarify that different types of redesigns are allowed.
5/25/22: Big lore update!
Added a new page in the lore section for History, which added much of the info I had for Order's interaction guidelines - info about transitioning between ages, how certain things worked during the different ages. Other info was put into Setting as deemed fitting.
Added a section for space travel.
Specified registration requirements for extradimensional individuals:
They may choose whether or not to engage with human society—if they do, they need to be entered into the registry of all individuals in society. If that individual possesses a foreign type of magic or is anything other than a mundane human, they will be requested to provide a brief explanation of their capabilities and characteristics.
Added interaction guidelines for Order and Ritual under their sections in Important and Historical Individuals.
Added sheets for Ideation Academy and Secrecy Permits in the Edeia Lore Roles spreadsheet.
5/14/22: Added information about Past Forms in ToS.
Moved Changelog from Lore Guide to separate page, and now applies to the site as a whole.
Added/updated lore for special trait Edeia - Fission, Soultwined, and Tuplet Edeia (now a general term for Twin Edeia). Updated acquisition info for special trait Edeia, including preliminary details for Soultwined and Tuplet Edeia, though they are not yet available.
Added a note about Actualization in regards to how those who would die of old age or "peacefully" may first enter a slumber like death and be in a sort of stasis before Actualization.
Added Ritual and Morph to Important and Historical Individuals.
Updated information for the Registry, including an example.
Added additional details about soulbonds.
4/8/22: Added some details about default Edeia abilities.
6/23/21: Added note about permafusion being a label. Moved Metaphysics section to Setting, as it is now more of a general worldbuilding/world mechanics thing for the world as opposed to something particular to Edeiology. Updated Metaphysics tab with numerous details about souls and the ethereal plane, as well as a historical note about when this knowledge became known to the world (pretty well understood by ~2090s). Also added a note about ritual magic, to be updated when I get around to making the NPC.
6/19/21: Clarifications for Twin Edeia, some details on dimension crossing in Edeiology.
6/9/21: Added info about registry entries for Twin Edeia and fissions; info about permafusions in Setting and Edeiology; section on metaphysics (soul science). Added details about Ideas not having names and Edeia choosing names.
5/24/21: Made Actualization capitalized.
5/23/21: Updated Inspiration with self-determination. Added details on soul bonds under Twin Edeia. Updated Mundane society. Various minor changes, moved to site.
5/8/21: Updated Setting with more details on the ancient ages.