February Prompts
February 2025 Prompt: Year of the Snake
2/2/25 - 4/2/25 11:59pm ET
"Lunar new year is... not something I experienced in my previous existence. But as I... returned to my homeland, every now and then... I see how old traditions evolved into such festivities. If I have the energy... I enjoy partaking, somewhat."
— Raein speaking of their perspective on lunar new year festivities in the China region.
The lunar new year has passed, and it's now the year of the snake! Does your Edeia celebrate the lunar new year, whether avidly or casually? Do they express their appreciation for the occasion through traditions or more unique ways?
Design Prompt:
Design a snake form for an Edeia. Since snakes tend to be simple, the rendering and background requirements follow those of art prompts.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia celebrating the lunar new year, whether they are participating in old traditions or doing something more unique and/or modern. Please include a blurb explaining the context.
Writing Prompt:
Create writing depicting what an Edeia is doing around the time of the lunar new year, whether celebrating personally or observing others' celebrations from afar. The writing should have relevance to the lunar new year. Some guiding questions:
Do they usually celebrate? If so, what do they do?
If they do not usually celebrate, how do they engage with the occasion - have they come up with something new, or celebrate in some other way not connected to typical lunar new year traditions?
February 2024 Prompt: Love Thy Neighbor
2/3/24 - 3/4/24 11:59pm ET
Solem (#217) politely greeting Gloris (#216) during one of their visits to a city of reunited society, curious about her presence.
There are all sorts of serendipitous connections one Edeia may have with another. Perhaps they simply crossed paths one day; perhaps they were born around the same time, or Actualized around the same time. Perhaps they are or were neighbors in a physical sense - before or after their Actualization. What would your Edeia make of such a connection?
This prompt focuses on "neighbors" in many ways, whether in a story sense or a meta sense - i.e., neighbors on the Edeia Masterlist. In the prompts below, a "neighbor" can be another individual that is a physical neighbor (living nearby), temporal neighbor (born around the same time or Actualized around the same time), or a neighbor on the ML.
You may submit one of each of the prompts below; the prompts otherwise follow the Standard Requirements.
Art Prompt 1:
Draw an Edeia not belonging to you that is a "neighbor" to yours. Interactions are optional.
Please include a blurb/note clarifying what kind of neighbor they are.
Art Prompt 2:
Create artwork depicting an interaction between your Edeia and a "neighbor" to yours, who can be your character or not, and can be an Edeia or not. The interaction is encouraged to be positive, but does not have to be.
Please include a blurb/note clarifying what kind of neighbor they are.
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia interacting with a "neighbor" of theirs, who can be your character or not, and can be an Edeia or not. The interaction is encouraged to be positive, but does not have to be.
Please clarify what kind of neighbor they are if it is not clear in the writing.
February 2023 Prompt: Bestowal
1/6/23 - 2/6/23 11:59pm ET
"You ask for power, human. I am willing to grant it, for the vision you hold of your kingdom. What will you do with it, I wonder? What Rules shall you bind yourself to for the sake of the future you seek?"
"I will change our kingdom. No one has been able to - no human can change the mire we have dug ourselves into. But with your blessing, Ruler - with your divine power, I will become the sovereign. I will bring order, and with it, peace and prosperity."
— A conversation between Ruler and Idren Valiat, during which Ruler granted Idren the power to create magically binding rules for himself.
Edeia are capable of many things, limited only by their imagination - and the wills and abilities of other Edeia. Non-ideated individuals, especially mundane individuals such as humans, can be deeply affected by an Edeia's magic, whether good, bad, or anything else. Some Edeia, then, may bestow their power upon individuals receptive to it, granting them all sorts of capabilities. Has your Edeia ever granted a non-ideated individual power, or changed them significantly in some way?
Design Prompt:
Design a non-ideated character that has been granted power/capability or has been notably and visibly affected by an Edeia's power.
If necessary/desired, you can add additional images that better depict the effect of the Edeia's magic on the individual, as in the example with Sindru.
Please provide a little blurb/explanation about what sort of power was granted, or what effects the individual experiences.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting a non-ideated character that has been or will be granted power/capability by an Edeia. You could draw them receiving the power, using the power, or something similar; alternatively, you can simply make aesthetic artwork of a character with the visual effects of the granted power visible.
Options: for one character - fullbody; two characters - partial body (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more character - halfbody (chest/equivalent up).
At least one character must be your Edeia. The other character can be anyone else.
Fully colored and shaded.
Some background with some environment - can be blurry and/or undetailed.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character, a summary of what the situation is, dialogue, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your non-ideated character that has been or will be granted power/capability by an Edeia. They could be receiving the power, using the power, being affected by the power, etc.
February 2022 Prompt: Connections
2/1/22 - 2/28/22 11:59pm ET
Do you still hold affection for me, sibling of bloodless bond?
"Of course. You're still you, Laris. Maybe now more than ever."
— A conversation between Laris and their adoptive sibling, Raine.
A particular type of relationship is often celebrated this month, but it is not the only meaningful connection we can have.
Art Prompt:
Draw artwork involving/illustrating a meaningful and overall positive relationship involving at least one of your Edeia. The other character does not need to be an Edeia, and does not need to be yours. Perhaps it is a gesture in their language of love (words of affirmation, acts of service, touch, quality time, gifts) or something else. You may use humanoid, alternate, and other temporary forms of your Edeia.
The minimum requirements are as follows, though you are welcome to do more:
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background with some sort of environment; does not need to be detailed or a full scene
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving/illustrating a meaningful and overall positive relationship involving at least one of your Edeia, before or after Actualization. The other character does not need to be an Edeia and does not need to be yours.