A good first step to Edeia development is a Conceptualization. This is a form you can fill out that provides something of a structure to your development.
Note that you are free to change the Conceptualization and/or expand details as much as you like after approval; it is just during the review process that you will have dedicated feedback.
It is recommended to keep the Conceptualization fairly short, more of a summary/overview than a detailed backstory so that you can be guided on any major lore misconceptions. You can always add more details later.
Please do not submit incomplete conceptualizations. Personality, abilities, history, and Abstraction sections should be written in prose/paragraphs with a fair amount of formality (though abilities can have some bullet points for convenience).
If you have specific questions about whether or not something would be allowed that you want to ask before submitting, you can ask in the #questions-suggestions-feedback channel or ask in that channel if you can DM Auspice for a character development question.
Conceptualization Form
Age/Dates: (Can be inexact - must at least have the era they were born or Actualized in. See the Setting section of the Edeia lore guide for details. You can consider the "present" to be exactly 100 years from now. For fusions, you can consider the age to be defined based on when they were first formed.)
Origin: (Main Ideation Continuity, alternate timeline, external dimension, etc. Refer to the Origins Guide.)
Previous Form: (Human, animal, object, other species, etc. Refer to the Origins Guide.)
Height: (Can be any size you wish and can be variable, but it must be one that actually feels right to the Edeia; as most Edeia were human, they tend to be about human-sized. It can be numerical, exact or approximate; it can be a comparison, i.e. "size of a horse", "size of a blue whale", etc. You must provide a screenshot/image of your Edeia on a height chart, unless the design has not been made yet. See Height Chart section below.)
(Minimum 60 words. You can include a quote from them if you like.)
(There are very few limitations for this. The power of Ideas is driven by imagination and shaped by interpretation - if you can imagine it, it can be so. However, the abilities should fairly clearly be connected to their Idea or help them with existing in a way that allows them to align with their identity as their Idea.
If they had abilities in their previous form, they tend to lose those abilities. However, if a previous ability aligns with their Idea and identity, they may be able to manifest a similar ability, just powered by their idea magic.
You can refer to the Idea Ability Guidelines as well.)
(Minimum 100 words, recommended up to 1500 words but not a strict limit. Can involve other existing Edeia if you wish, yours or others' with permission. Generally, it may be good to include early life/things leading up to Actualization, the Actualization and/or what they do after Actualization.
Please check the Backstory Guide. Keep in mind that an Edeia must experience identified regulation, not introjected regulation, in order to Actualize. They leave behind who they were to become who they are, and it must be a self not forced by external circumstances.
Potentially helpful references: Ideated Characters, Origins Guide, and the Actualization section of Edeiology.
For tips and resources on writing, please see the Writing Tips page.
For fusions, you can discuss how the involved components met and how the fusion came to be. You can also discuss what the fusion does and how often they are formed.)
(Minimum 60 words. A description of the Abstraction of the Edeia. You may include images - drawn yourself, stock photos, or AI-generated - to help visualize.)
Here is an example of a filled-out form, and here is a blank template you can copy.
For other examples of developed characters, you can see Auspice's Edeia with full profiles. Some profiles of interest, history/lore-wise, are Auspice (born in our present, in the Age of Secrecy), Mu (born in the Age of Secrecy), Repose (born in the Ancient Ages), and Val (born in the Age of Reunion).
Height Chart
To depict the height of your Edeia, you can add them to a height chart. We have a shared official height chart, though it would be good for you to make a personal copy for yourself from the blank template.
When making a copy of the template, be sure to save to your own Google Drive, or you won't be able to.
For your personal height chart, you are welcome to add other forms as you wish.
You can also use an image or make your own chart.
Here is a folder with height chart materials.
You can complete a Conceptualization for yourself informally or for submission. For your first submission, you can submit to Auspice via direct message or the conceptualization-submissions channel of the Discord server. You may submit a Conceptualization under these circumstances:
along with a commissioned Edeia; you must have a slot, be in the queue, or otherwise have Auspice's permission to send them a form.
A Conceptualization is required for special traits.
for an existing Edeia or fusion.
as part of FTO prompts.
There are three types of submissions:
Standard: submit directly to Auspice. You can receive conceptualization artwork from Auspice.
Review: submitted to Auspice for review, without claiming conceptualization artwork. You may submit directly for review with Auspice's permission, or if you wait a week after submitting to peer review.
Peer-Review: submitted to the conc-peer-review forum of the Discord server for other members of the community to review.
Everyone has one Standard Submission by default. Required conceptualizations for special traits also count as Standard Submissions.
All other Conceptualizations must be Peer-Review submissions, sent to the conc-peer-review forum of the Discord server with a Google Doc with comment permissions so that reviewers can more easily offer feedback. This template should be used:
Feedback/Discussion: [In DMs, messages in the forum, in doc only, etc.]
Feedback Type: [Lore only, grammar/style/spelling, subjective feedback, etc. If you do not want subjective or grammar/style feedback, state so clearly here.]
Conceptualization: [link to doc]
Character Link: [link to character's dA or TH]
After at least one week has passed, if you wish, you can submit for review from Auspice in the conceptualization-submissions channel. (Note that sometimes Auspice may participate in peer review as well.)
Conceptualization Artwork
Those who complete a Conceptualization have an opportunity to receive conceptualization artwork, depicting the Edeia for which they submitted.
For Standard Submissions, the artwork is done by Auspice. The artwork will be simple and the style will be up to them.
A Standard Submission can also be purchased from Auspice for 3 figments or 30 USD, allowing you to skip peer review and claim artwork from Auspice.
For Peer-Review submissions, after at least one week has passed since initial post, the owner can use a token (earned by reviewing others' Conceptualizations) in order to claim artwork by volunteers. They can ping the Conceptual Volunteer role.
If you submit to Auspice after one week and they approve your Conceptualization, you can use one figment or pay 10 USD to claim artwork from them.
Artwork can only be claimed once - you can only get it from Auspice or a volunteer, not both.
Conceptual Volunteers
Conceptual Volunteers are those who offer to complete conceptualization artworks for those in peer review. If you complete conceptualization artworks for others, will earn one figment for each artwork you complete, to a max of five in a month.
The piece should be fully colored and either with effects or some shading, and most of the character should be visible (though they can be small for an environmental piece). It does not need to be clean, but please do not have uncleaned sketch lines visible. Auspice generally tries to draw something inspired by the Abstraction description, but it is not required to do an environmental piece.
You can pick up the Conceptual Volunteer role in Channels and Roles if you wish to be pinged. You do not need to have the role in order to volunteer - the role is just for if you want to be pinged.
You should send a message in the conceptualization forum to indicate you are claiming.
When you complete the artwork, please post in prompt-submissions and link to the forum. Auspice or a mod will make note of the submission and add a figment to your balance.
Auspice will primarily review your Conceptualization for lore accuracy, focusing especially on the Actualization process (how they identified with their Idea and Actualized). They may also guide you on how you can make certain events, such as time travel, timeline travel, and restoration of memories of a previous incarnation, can be done. If they have the energy for it, they will also provide grammar/style feedback; it is recommended to check out the Writing Tips page for advice if it would improve your writing. If Auspice has trouble understanding your writing, they may rewrite some sections based on their understanding and offer feedback based on that.
Peer reviewers will tend to offer similar feedback. Those who review others' Conceptualizations can claim a token in the Token Claim forum, which they can then use to claim conceptualization artwork from volunteers.