Special Trait Acquisition Guide
As special trait Edeia are particularly difficult and/or expensive to acquire, compiled here are the methods for acquiring special trait Edeia. Please read this carefully.
There are currently four kinds of special traits: Fission, Soultwined, Tuplets, and Ambideia. Please be sure to carefully review the lore for the one(s) you are hoping to acquire.
You are permitted to inquire Auspice for customs and semi-customs at any time, regardless of whether or not custom slots are open. They may decline or for the moment or ask to wait for a time before starting.
Your first special trait must only have two components - that is, if it is a Fission, you must only have two fragments; if it is Soultwined or Tuplet, then you must only have two components. As special trait Edeia are a rarity, and those with more than two components are a rarity among rarities, there is a soft limit of one special trait Edeia with more than two components per person; you may ask for exceptions but Auspice may not accept.
All required forms must be designed before the Edeia is officially transferred to you. For Fission, all fragments must be designed. For Soultwined or Tuplet, the fusion must be designed. Ambideia do not need a medial form, so that is optional.
You have a soft limit of two of each trait for each acquisition type: premade, custom, notion, MYO, unless you get a special trait voucher from the voucher shop that disregards these restrictions. Expand this block to see a list of each special trait Edeia you can currently acquire without a special trait voucher; you could keep a checklist of these if you wish. Community currency (Figments and Inspiration), trades, and mixed payment count for the same spot, while full monetary payment counts for a second spot.
Custom Fission
Notion or Semi-Custom Fission
Premade Fission
MYO Fission
Custom Soultwined
Notion or Semi-Custom Soultwined
Premade Soultwined
MYO Soultwined
Custom Tuplet
Notion or Semi-Custom Tuplet
Premade Tuplet
MYO Tuplet
Custom Ambideia
Notion or Semi-Custom Ambideia
Premade Ambideia
MYO Ambideia
If you acquire at least 12 out of the 16 possibilities without special trait vouchers, the restriction can reset. If you come to this point, please present a spreadsheet or tracker of each special trait Edeia you acquired and the acquisition method used.
The application of the Fission trait via the Figment Store does not count for these limits.
The application of special traits to existing Edeia otherwise counts for the method used (or close enough) to make the new designs. If no new designs were made, the method can count for whichever one of the originals you choose.
Customs, Notions, and MYOs
You must be in the Edeia Discord and you must have a Toyhou.se. Auspice can procure invites if needed.
You must already own at least one Edeia that is conceptualized by you, or well-developed with Auspice having looked over it to assure compliance to the lore.
I require a Conceptualization for me to review and approve prior to making the Edeia.
You may, it is encouraged to, discuss the development with Auspice. You may DM Auspice on Discord or make a thread in the #character-lore-and-ideas channel. Please note than Auspice is very particular about their lore and may ask many questions.
You may begin working on the conceptualization if you are in a queue or otherwise completely certain you will get the Edeia in the near future. Recall that you may request an extension for one Idea hold, and I am generally more merciful if it is intended for special traits.
Premade Special Trait Edeia
For premade special trait Edeia, restrictions are not as stringent.
You must have a Toyhou.se - Auspice can procure invites if needed. You do not need to be in the Discord.
You must already own at least one Edeia that is conceptualized by you, or well-developed with me having looked over it to assure compliance to the lore.
It is required to complete a Conceptualization for Auspice to review and approve prior to you gaining official ownership of the Edeia. Depending on the final price, all or half of the Edeia's price is due when you win an auction / claim a flatsale / etc.
You will be given one month to complete the conceptualization; this is negotiable. Auspice will try to contact you when time runs out. You can ask for one extension, with negotiable length. If this extension runs out, Auspice will refund you and reopen the sale.
Minimum Level 3 in the Edeia Discord.
In your conceptualization, please be sure to answer the following questions (not necessarily directly, but make sure the answers are within):
What is the personality for each fragment, and how does it relate to the original?
How did the dichotomous sense of identity come about? Please note that the original must accept all aspects as parts of their entire self; they cannot develop fission from simply disliking part of their identity, as they would simply shift their singular identity to something that fits them better.
When did they discover fission? Immediately after Actualization / already knowing they could become fragments, or do they discover it later on?
Minimum Level 3 in the Edeia Discord.
In your conceptualization, please be sure to answer the following questions (not necessarily directly, but make sure the answers are within):
How did the individual develop their multiple Ideas? Why did they experience the transient disconnection and reconnection to their original Idea? What made these concepts distinct, and how did they come by to identify with them separately?
Does their personality change when their expressed Idea shifts?
How did they Actualize? How did they embrace all aspects of their identity as a cohesive whole? Do they become able to express their Ideas simultaneously, or do they remain separate?
Minimum Level 5 in the Edeia Discord.
In your conceptualization, please be sure to answer the following questions (not necessarily directly, but make sure the answers are within):
What kind of soulbond did they have/develop? How did their soulbond manifest? Could they sense the other's emotions, thoughts, did they dream of each other's memories? Do their personalities start to blend?
What is the nature of their relationship? Romantic, platonic, familial? How did it evolve from a more mundane relation to the deep and fundamental nature of a soultwined bond? Note that I think that a relationship between those with soultwined bond cannot solely be defined as romantic, platonic, familial, or any other typical relationship between two independent individuals. They must have a deep emotional intimacy and understanding of each other, as their senses of self begin to blend.
How did their Ideas develop? Those who become soultwined define their Ideas in the context of and in contrast with the other, their meaning greater when together.
How did they Actualize?
Tuplet Edeia
Minimum Level 5 in the Edeia Discord.
In your conceptualization, please be sure to answer the following questions (not necessarily directly, but make sure the answers are within):
What kind of soulbond did they have/develop? How did their soulbond manifest? Could they sense the other's emotions, thoughts, did they dream of each other's memories? Do their personalities start to blend? Do they dream or daydream of being the other, do they act as the other in waking?
What is the nature of their relationship? Romantic, platonic, familial? How did it evolve from a more mundane relation to the deep and fundamental nature of a soultwined bond? Note that I think that a relationship between Tuplets cannot solely be defined as romantic, platonic, familial, or any other typical relationship between two independent individuals, though they more typically originate from a familial bond. They must have a deep emotional intimacy and understanding of each other, as their senses of self begin to blend and become one.
How did their Idea develop? Was it at the same time as the same Idea, or did they originally have different Ideas and it converged into the same one?
How did they Actualize?
New Edeia
Custom: 80-150 USD, or 180-300 USD including fission designs.
Notion: 80 USD, or 150 USD including fission designs.
You may ask for more than two fission fragments, but there may be additional charges.
For semi-customs, +15 USD, +30 including fission designs
Note that you may need to pay additional fees or barter with MYO artists. You can also commission Auspice to design the fusion/medial form, or ask the MYO artist to design it.
The conceptualization must be completed prior to purchasing the ticket.
The default price is only for the unified form, though Auspice can also provide complimentary sketches of the fission fragments if desired. For the complimentary sketches:
You can provide initial details and sketches of your own to start off, but Auspice will not be doing any major alterations to the sketches. You can modify them as you wish, though, and if you actually commission Auspice then of course alterations are included.
If you have more than three fragments, Auspice may decline or ask for an additional fee.
You may design the fission forms, commission Auspice to finish the sketches, or commission others to make the design. You can use the sketches Auspice provides or not, though if you commission someone else they cannot "draw over" Auspice's sketches. Note, again, that they must be designed before the Edeia is officially transferred to you.
Additional artwork pricing will have normal pricing, unless the fission fragments are involved as well. For more than two fission fragments, there may be additional charges.
Soultwined Edeia, Tuplet Edeia, and Ambideia
Custom: 150-250 USD, or 200-320 USD including fusion/medial design.
Notion: 110 USD, or 160 USD including fusion/medial design.
You may ask for more than two parts, but there may be additional charges.
For semi-customs, +25 USD, +35 including fission designs
The available specifications apply to each design separately.
Note that you may need to pay additional fees or barter with MYO artists. You can also commission Auspice to design the fusion/medial form, or ask the MYO artist to design it.
Application to Existing Edeia
You may add a special trait to an existing Edeia. The base price is 30 USD, all the fees below are added to this. A special trait voucher can waive the 30 USD but not the fees below.
In all cases, you are required to submit a Conceptualization that illustrates how the trait developed and how it works for your Edeia, which Auspice will then review and discuss any necessary changes.
No additional fees if you design the Fission fragments yourself; you should submit the designs along with the completed conceptualization. You may discuss thoughts and questions with Auspice in the process. If you wish for Auspice to design the fragments, the method can be notion (80+ USD) or custom (variable price).
Soultwined Edeia, Tuplet Edeia, and Ambideia
If you are creating a new design to add to an existing Edeia, you must pay additionally the regular cost of the method:
Custom: ~70-120 USD, or ~150-250 USD including fusion/medial design.
Notion: 50+ USD, or 100+ USD including fusion/medial design.
You may ask for more than two parts, but there may be additional charges.
Note that you may need to pay additional fees or barter with MYO artists. You can also commission Auspice to design the fusion/medial form, or ask the MYO artist to design it.
The conceptualization must be completed prior to purchasing the ticket.
If you are combining multiple existing Edeia into one special trait Edeia:
+10 USD for updates to ML and listings, even if neither design is changed. You can pick one of the old ML numbers, or take a new number.
Variable fee if designs need to be adjusted.
For the TH profiles, you may combine them into one TH profile or keep them separate, but they should clearly link to each other.
Community Currency
You may acquire special trait Edeia via community currency - Figments, which you earn by completing monthly prompts, Inspiration, which you earn by completing NPC prompts, and special trait vouchers, which you may be able to claim by completing the development prompts. Through these, you can acquire special trait Edeia without paying USD, or at least significantly cut the cost.
For full community currency acquisition other than Fission, you cannot get a special trait Edeia with more than two components.
Here are some methods for acquiring special trait Edeia via community currency (not comprehensive, assumes two components):
Fission trait voucher: you may buy one from the Figment Store for 3 Figments, and apply it to any existing Edeia.
Stacked MYO for Ambideia, Tuplet, or Soultwined:
Full: 4 Figments + 2 Inspiration + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
Half: 2 Figments + 1 Inspiration + 35 USD MYO ticket + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
A bribe can replace Inspiration for 10-15 USD each (pay what you want).
Stacked Notion:
Full: 8 Figments + 2 Inspiration + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
Full set: 12 Figments + 3 Inspiration + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
Includes fusion/medial form; this can also be Fission including fragments
Half: 4 Figments + 1 Inspiration + 50 USD Notion + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
A bribe can replace Inspiration for 10-15 USD each (pay what you want).
Stacked Custom:
Full: 18 Figments + 2 Inspiration + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
Full set: 27 Figments + 3 Inspiration + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
Includes fusion/medial form; this can also be Fission including fragments
Half: 9 Figments + 1 Inspiration + one custom price + 30 USD special trait fee or special trait voucher
A bribe can replace Inspiration; 10-20 USD each depending on complexity.