Edeia of the Month
The Edeia/Fusion of the Month is simply an invitation for all of you to draw the featured Edeia! Something nice to do, if you're in the giving spirit. It could be something simple or not, but be sure to tag the owner if you do make anything. You can also submit to the Events dA group folder.
Edeia of the Month: Roscha
Owner: Auspice
dA Listing | TH Profile
Name: Roscha
Idea: Impartiality of the Waters
Gender: None
Pronouns: she/it
Masterlist: #118
Roscha is an Edeia representing the Idea of Impartiality of the Waters — particularly, how the oceans and waters churn and flow, heedless of who lives and dies by its hands. It is life, death, destruction, beauty. But most of all, it simply is. She is apathetic to most things; she acts on whim rather than any moral reasoning, though she does not use her powers haphazardly. Like the ocean, she is present. Like the ocean, she apathetically watches the world change little by little, every day.
Fusion of the Month: Valem
Fusion between Malice and Val
Owner: Auspice
dA Listing | TH Tab
Name: Valem
Pronouns: they/he
Fusion Masterlist: #20
Valem is the fusion between Malice, Edeia of Malice, and Val, Edeia of Kindness. They fuse as an act of closeness with each other, feeling comfortable in an existence of being as intertwined as they could be. Their demeanor is polite but distant, full of confidence but not flaunting it. They prefer to be silent than to speak, and if they do, though they can converse at length about philosophies and principles of motivation. They have an interest in observing others — humans, Edeia, and any others — to understand their thoughts and motivations. Though they prefer to observe than interfere, they may use their abilities to amplify an individual's existing motivations, pushing them towards acting on thoughts that have only stagnated.
About Edeia/Fusion/Fission of the Month
The Edeia of the Month and Fusion/Fission of the Month is mostly a monthly appreciation of an Edeia and a fusion or fission; others are welcome to draw gift art for them. One thing you might consider is drawing the Edeia and/or Fusion/Fission of the Month for your prompt!
The Edeia is generally chosen from all the Edeia in the ML with the help of a random number generator. All Edeia, fusions, and fissions are automatically eligible if they have a valid entry on the ML; fusions and fissions marked as "incomplete" are not valid.
The feature must be accepted by the owner and can be turned down. If a response is not received after two days, someone else will be picked. The owner can make some notes about permissions/preferences/etc. for if any gift art is made for their character.
Since there are numerous Edeia, each character can only be featured once. The exception is if the Edeia has a complete overhaul in Idea and design, in which case they may be featured again.
The Fusion of the Month can also be the Fission of the Month; fissions are included in the draw for that category. The owner will be asked if they wish to feature a particular fragment, in which case each fragment can be separately featured when the number is drawn again, or if they would prefer to feature all fragments together.
If you are transferred an Edeia (and their fusions) that has already been featured, you may update their past feature info if you wish, though it is not required. However, they still cannot be featured again.
At their discretion, Auspice may choose to update outdated entries with new ML info. You may also request changes if there have been major updates, but these are not meant to be public mini-profiles that need to be kept up to date.
Previous Features
See past features here.